
Our Top 5 Shopping Sites or Apps

There was a time when AmHi would spend time gazing through the aisles of a grocery store, checking out different products, plan meals and then stand in the long queue without any annoyance  at the billing counter gossiping about life in general.But since #crazyfoodieonliltoes came into our lives, Physical Shopping has a been a big… Continue reading Our Top 5 Shopping Sites or Apps


Lenskart Shopping Experience

Ecommerce in India was an apprehension few year in the past, not anymore. Today it is first preference for shopping. Also, with the current 'Indian currency demonetization-phase' it has become a necessity. Today we discuss our online shopping experience of eyeglasses from www.lenskart.com Please be informed that is not a sponsered post.We have purchased the eyewear and we… Continue reading Lenskart Shopping Experience