
Summer Soothers

I am thinking of having a blog tradition every summer which showcases food, drinks, fruits or anything which would help to beat the heat. What say?I have done summer soothers previously as well; Click HereKokum Serbat: Garcinia IndicaMust, must have...in fact not just in summers we have kokum serbat in our house 365 days of the… Continue reading Summer Soothers


Appointment with the King, Mango

Summer is nearing it's end but the season of mangoes extends in most Indian homes for few more months in the form of mango pulp in the deep freezer. I have blended two smoothies, Check OUT! Type 1Fluffy Mango Ingredients:Mango PulpSweet Whipped CreamSugar if requiredFluffy MangoMethod:Grab a blender and blend the mango pulp into a fine puree.… Continue reading Appointment with the King, Mango